Woman Gets Pregnant For 15 year old Son - Nicole Kaima's Blog


Thursday, April 14, 2016

Woman Gets Pregnant For 15 year old Son

This is one of the most shocking cases of inc*st in recent times, a woman has proudly gotten pregnant for her own son. The woman posted the photo above showing her posing with her underage 15-year-old son and then followed it up with an explanation.

The Facebook post reads (edited):

“For those who don’t know, me and my 15 year old son had a baby last year together. I had s*x with him when he was 14 years old.  “The baby came out fine. Just to let you know I also have three (3) daughters who are thirteen(13) fourteen(14) and sixteen(16). 
“My son is a great dad and also a great boyfriend to me. This all started when I realized that I was having  feelings for him. I decided to have a one on one talk with him. I told him ‘mommy loves you more than what it means to just be a mommy to you’ I also told him that “mommy likes you just like how a girl from school likes you.’
“I explained everything to him and got him to understand and he felt the same way as I did as he began to ask questions. He asked “so does that mean that we can kiss and hold hands like boyfriend and girlfriend?”I told him yes and even s*x.
The 15 year old boy is now her son, her boyfriend and also the brother and father of her child. Talk about a complex family tree.

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